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“Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.” 

 - Aristotle




See latest updates on the Lecture Tab



Meditative Shabbat


Rabbi Ziona is leading meditative Shabbat morning services on a monthly basis at Temple Beth Rishon in Wycoff, NJ.


It is an hour long service.


Parallel to my service there is a regular service at the main sanctuary, which lasts till 12:00 PM.


You are welcome to join this service after the meditation Shabbat.


The schedual for 2016 is:


March 26, April 16, May 1


For address and past announcements read here



Open to the public.



"What More Can I Do To Be Loved By You?"


February 6th, 2016

Temple Beth Rishon, Wyckoff



Have you or someone you care about ever felt unloved or rejected by loved ones?


How do we get what we want in a relationship and overcome the feelings of neglect?


Rabbi Ziona Zelazo will explore the relationship between Jacob, Rachel,


and Leah as a case study for dealing with rejection, jealousy, hatred, pain,


and love, when she presents "What More Can I Do To Be Loved By You?"


Through Parshat Veyetze, which focuses on the relationship between Jacob and his wives,


examine your feelings and personal relationships.



See Jewish Standard article here.




For the welcoming of the Jewish year of 5776,

I will participate in a very special Selichot service


"A Service of Spiritual Preparation"


September 5th, 2015

Temple Beth Rishon, Wycoff


                                       To see the flyer with details go here




Come and join me -- get the flavour of PURIM


"Unmasking the custom of getting drunk on Purim and its meaning to our lives"


                                                  February 28, 2015

                                                             7:45 PM

                                          Gerrard Berman Day School

                                                         Oakland, NJ

   One of the customs of Purim states that on Purim we are supposed to get so drunk that    we can't tell the difference between Mordechai and Haman. While it is not an easy obligation to understand, we will explore its origin, and make connections to the other  customs that are mentioned in the Megillah.   




High Holiday Notes...  



1. What Is Awesome About the Days of Awe?

Click here for all the information.


2. The Power of Imagery as

preparation for the High

Holidays (Sept. 2014)


Clic to listen to the workshop.


Presented by Rabbi Ken Emert, Rabbi Ziona Zelazo, and Hazzan Ilan Mamber.





Taste of Torah


 Rabbi Ziona is teaching the Torah's portion of the week at Temple Beth Torah in Upper Nyack, NY.


See the following dates :

2014:  Aug. 23, October 11th, Dec. 27th

2015: jan. 24th, March 21st, April 25th, May 16th, May 30th, June 6th


Group meets from 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM


Open to the public.




Come and join me on February 1st, 2014


This year we will explore the topic: "Building a Mishkan: Making Room for God in Our Lives."When I will be giving a lecture at the "Sweet Tastes of Torah" program. This is an annual community-wide evening of Torah study, discussion, music and fun, hosted by the North Jersey Board of Rabbis.



My presentation is --

Calling from between the Cherubs


God instructed Moses to build the sanctuary with two cherubim, facing each other and placed over the Ark. God also indicated that the real communication between Moses and God would be in the space between these cherubim. What is the mystery of this empty space? What can we learn about these cherubim? How can we understand their meaning on a personal level and create a sacred space in our daily life? All these questions and more will be explored with chant and meditation, accompanied by a shruti box (meditative Indian musical instrument). With the focus on the symbolic meaning of these cherubim, we will also learn to enhance and expand our connection with the Divine.








Scholar-in-Residence & Workshops


Rabbi Ziona is a dynamic speaker and lecturer. She has been one of the selected teachers by the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem to teach at the iEngage Israel program to raise awarness about the various social and religious issues in Israel. She conducted many workshops about religious Pluralism as it stands today in Israel.


Rabbi Ziona is available to teach as a guest lecturer, scholar-in-residence, panelist and as a workshop leader. She teaches to different faith communities and offers a variety of talks and courses based on the text of the Hebrew Bible and pastoral care issues. The program is designed to suit different adult audience. She Will work with institutions, groups and also individual tutoring.


Here are some of Rabbi Ziona's lectures and topics to be considered for your community;


- "Religious Pluralism in Israel and the Women of the Wall"

-  "The mysterious personal Prayer - What is it there for me"? See a similar lecture here.

- "Prayers at the End of Life: A different perspective on the portion of Chayyei Sarah [The life of Sarah]"

- "What is awesome about the days of Awe? A spiritual preparation for the high holidays"

- "The power of imagery during prayers"

--Being a panel participant: "Is Torah from Sinai or from Zion - Diaspora vs. Israel as spiritual centers?"

- Being a panel moderator: "I Respectively Disagree - Fostering Tolerance and Acceptance in Our Diverse Community." See here.


- For additional topics to consider read here.


Here are a few examples of workshops that are conducted by Rabbi Ziona:


 "The Art of Visiting the Sick (Bikkur Holim)

This workshop has theoretical and practical components to train laypeople and clergy how to visit their sick fellow congregants with ease. Whether in the hospital, hospice or at home, the halachic resources from the Torah and the Talmud will be presented to show the basis for visiting the sick. It gives the opportunity to gain practical skills by role play and written guidelines. Most

popular is the teaching of how to craft a customized prayer/blessing for the sick person at the end of the visit.


To see the flyer with more details read here.


"Healing and Transformation by the power of meditation and chants"

- "Preparation for the High Holidays from the theological and spiritual perspective"


Rabbi Ziona is available to visit and enrich your community and congregation on topics that could be decided together to fit your specific needs and goals.





- In Rabbi Ziona's blog, Talmudic Treasures, you will find inspirational words for your personal and communal life, illuminated by the Talmudic teachings of the Jewish sages from the past.



- In Rabbi Ziona's Torah commentaries (Divrei Torah) to the weekly portion of the Hebrew Bible (parasha) you will find a way to connect the scripture to your own relevant life. Here are few Divrei Torah for your enjoyment:



Vayeshev: The grieving parent ​​

Vayigash: The healing power of tears

Mishpatim: The angels among us

 The sacrifice of a care giver Vayikra:

Aharei Mot-Kedoshim: Turning mundane holiness into sacred holiness

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The Guided Path to Teaching

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